Monday, February 27, 2023

New Neuron-Inspired Telechelic Polymer with Remarkable Mechanical and Physical Properties

High-performance polymers tend to display enormous application outlooks in the high-tech fields of energy storage, marine anti-corrosive coating, intelligent displays, and flexible sensors.

So far, however, it has always been hard to come up with polymers combined with excellent mechanical properties (like toughness, stiffness, and crack tolerance), triboelectricity, quick self-healing ability, and also optical or electrical properties.

Having gained inspiration from the neuron’s axon structure, scientists at NIMTE have synthesized a telechelic polymer along with a three-arm structure. The 2-ureido-4 pyrimidinone (UPy) ends every arm, and its length is well-regulated inside a small range to decrease the entanglement density.

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Saturday, February 25, 2023

Elon Musk's Big Boy Rocket, the Most Powerful Ever Built, Is Nearly Ready to Fly

SpaceX’s Super Heavy rocket, the most powerful rocket ever built, recently performed a successful ground test.
The rocket will power SpaceX’s Starship system, which Elon Musk hopes will eventually take humans to Mars.
The system is now ready to undergo its first orbital test, which SpaceX hopes will happen in March.

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Friday, February 24, 2023

Physicists Use Quantum Mechanics to Pull Energy out of Nothing

Physicists Use Quantum Mechanics to Pull Energy out of Nothing

For their latest magic trick, physicists have done the quantum equivalent of conjuring energy out of thin air. It’s a feat that seems to fly in the face of physical law and common sense.

“You can’t extract energy directly from the vacuum because there’s nothing there to give,” said William Unruh, a theoretical physicist at the University of British Columbia, describing the standard way of thinking.

But 15 years ago, Masahiro Hotta, a theoretical physicist at Tohoku University in Japan, proposed that perhaps the vacuum could, in fact, be coaxed into giving something up.

At first, many researchers ignored this work, suspicious that pulling energy from the vacuum was implausible, at best. Those who took a closer look, however, realized that Hotta was suggesting a subtly different quantum stunt. The energy wasn’t free; it had to be unlocked using knowledge purchased with energy in a far-off location. From this perspective, Hotta’s procedure looked less like creation and more like teleportation of energy from one place to another — a strange but less offensive idea.

“That was a real surprise,” said Unruh, who has collaborated with Hotta but has not been involved in energy teleportation research. “It’s a really neat result that he discovered.”

Now in the past year, researchers have teleported energy across microscopic distances in two separate quantum devices, vindicating Hotta’s theory. The research leaves little room for doubt that energy teleportation is a genuine quantum phenomenon.

“This really does test it,” said Seth Lloyd, a quantum physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who was not involved in the research. “You are actually teleporting. You are extracting energy.”

Tuesday, February 21, 2023



Austin Engineering awarded $5 million for advanced manufacturing

Perth mining equipment manufacturer Austin Engineering has been awarded a grant of up to $5 million from the WA government’s Investment Attraction Fund to boost advanced manufacturing capabilities at its Kewdale plant. The IAF seeks to bring investment, jobs and economic diversity to the state, increasing local demand and entering new sectors and markets. The grant will support greater automation and efficiency as part of the company’s global advanced manufacturing plan, which is separately modernising facilities in Indonesia. Austin CEO David Singleton said: “The grant will allow us to continue investment into advanced manufacturing and technology in our WA operations, to create more local jobs and deliver world class designed and engineered products to our mining customers.” Austin has already begun manufacturing of its ultra-lightweight High Performance Truck Tray, which can carry a payload of additional ore due to its lighter weight.

International Research Awards on Mechanics of Functional Materials and Structures.


International  Conference on  Mechanics of  Functional Materials and Structures


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Lethality In Lol


Here’s everything you need to know on one of the most important LoL in-game statistics that was introduced in 2017: Lethality.


Lethality is the new in-game statistic that replaced flat armor penetration in LoL. While flat armor penetration used to directly shred through a target’s armor in the indicated amount, Lethality is converted to armor penetration at a rate that increases based on the champion’s level.

A new model offers robots precise pick-and-place solutions

SimPLE learns to pick, regrasp, and place objects using the objects’ computer-aided design model.   Pick-and-place machines are a type of a...