Wednesday, May 10, 2023

A Study Reveals Brain Hot Zones Spike in the Moments Just Before Death

Study shows a surge of activity in a dying brain, leading to more questions about human neurology.

The gamma wave activity of two patients shortly before death is considered the fastest brain activity possible.

Researchers remain unsure what the data means, but it could show evidence of “hidden consciousness” near death.

The mysterious near-death-experiences we’re eager to understand may have some additional scientific backing, according to researchers at the University of Michigan. That backing comes in the form of conscious-like brain activity observed in comatose patients immediately prior to their death.

A study, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, highlights how two comatose patients—who died after a cardiac arrest event—had a sudden spike in gamma wave activity in the brain and a bump in heart rate after they were removed from a ventilator.

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